The B2B Marketing Playbook – The tactical guide to acquisition marketing and hyper growth

Most B2B companies have a demand problem… they don’t have enough high quality leads in the funnel to complete the sales process and hit their growth targets…

And the way they solve the “sales problem” is by hiring more sales reps to do an outbound push.

The outcome… is usually lackluster results, high turnover and executive frustration.

The reason behind this?

The traditional sales model has changed. And that’s because the customer buying process has changed. Customers want to buy, but they don’t want to be sold. And they’re only willing to talk once they know you can help them.

Digital buyers now make it 57% of the way through the process before they contact sales. So yes, the old sales mentality of hunt and kill just doesn’t work like it used to.

If that sounds familiar, The B2B Marketing Playbook can probably help.

It’s a formula I’ve been working on for the better part of a decade with great success.

It’s the exact marketing playbook I used to go from 0 to 1,500 inbound leads per month in 26 months… and transition from 100% outbound prospecting to 100% inbound lead response.

This is important because inbound leads are 750% more likely to close than leads generated from outbound prospecting.

The logic is pretty simple. When prospects come to you, they are taking themselves through the buying cycle.  They’re also meeting you at the intersection of your expertise, help… and ultimately the problem you solve.

The playbook includes the execution plan, the channel strategy, and the exact tactics that lead to hyper-growth.

Think of it as a step-by-step tactical guide to acquisition marketing.

It’s the playbook I wish I had 10 years ago.

If you’re a sales or marketing leader looking for growth, you can download a copy right here 👇

The B2B Marketing Playbook

The B2B Marketing Playbook by Tim Muenchen
